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Old 07-01-2017, 03:16 PM   #741
Senior Member
Join Date: Apr 2016
Posts: 128
The Sabiki Sleeve

This idea hit me after been hooked by a Rapala lure/hook (not fun) and hearing about my buddy's having a Sabiki hook up his butt the week prior. So here it is!

No more Sabiki hooks flying around with the Sabiki Sleeve. "Installation" took 10 seconds. That is cutting the pool noodle with a knife. When you're done with your Sabiki, just wrap it around the pool noodle making sure each hook is secured into the foam, and store it in this container. It also fits a sinker weight and small iron jig if anyone's using one at the Sabiki's end (I do, as it goes down faster and the iron jig flashes catching bait's attention). Close the lid and you're ready to go. The rubber ends are flexible, so if you wish, you can add a small ball bungee cord on the bottom's end and secure your Sabiki Sleeve anywhere you like while launching/landing.

Total cost: $6.

$5 for the plastic holder (found at any local Home Depot stores; NOT found on their website for some odd reasons). Called "Viewtainer Slit Top Storage Container 2.75"X5".

And $1 for the pool noodle (Walmart). Look outside in the garden section.

Last edited by filippo; 07-01-2017 at 06:10 PM. Reason: Edit
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