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Old 06-19-2017, 06:00 PM   #1
Sea Hunter
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Mako Monday la jolla fish report 6/19/17

1 to 2 at the launch its looks like some yellows were caught over the weekend.crowd at the launch was lite.water temperature was 70/71°.Made bait within one hour.all good size pacific mackerel.put one up and one down. Paddled around that way for several hours no sealions no then the current had me south pretty good so I decided to start heading back before I got to tired. Still having the first two mackerel on, all the sudden my clicker lighty go's off on the flyline, then stops, I'm thinking a sealion, so I turn around to look and see a boil unsure what it is and all of the sudden I see a free swimming mako swim by me .I decide to try to catch it with both my mackerel still on both poles I reel up the dropper loop up from 90 ft to 20 ft I see the mako turning around i put it back in pole holder. For that is the pole I want to use.I quickly grab the flyline and wined it in as fast as I can at the same time the mako picks up my mackerel on the dropper loop I just let it run with it.with the flyline wound up tight the mackerel falls off the hook still in one piece.I grab the other pole and fight the mako it just goes for short little runs and back under my kayak I really don't want to gaff a green mako so I give it some line.findy it back under my kayak I decided to go for a gaff shot to the gills after it rams the bottom of my kayak.I make sure my knife is ready to coordinate with my gaff and I go for it I nail it in the head pull it up, it bites my side mount transducer.I give it 5 or 6 knife shots to the head and hold on with the gaff until I can grab the tail and pull it in..I slice it gills and let it bleed out in the front of my kayak.After it's fully dead I gut it out and last I cut the heart out and eat it, fresh protein for the paddle back.I release all my mackerel only useing the two.
When I get back to the launch a guy on the beach tells me yellowtail were caught more south from where I was.I decided to get my mako on ice ASAP it was almost noon.
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Duke Mitchell

Last edited by MITCHELL; 06-20-2017 at 02:51 AM.
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