Congrats on getting your first. Now you can update your comments in the signature and post name areas. Like Jorge says, switch out to 65 lb braid and 40 lb fluoro carbon leader. I usually use a leader 7' long. Also the most important use Owner Mutu circle hooks, never anything with the name light. Great job in being tough enough to go out today. I changed my mind after continuously seeing the forecast for Monday and Tuesday on magic seaweed. It had 2-3' and turning to 3-4' with winds going up to 16 mph or higher. The worse part was the intervals 7-8 seconds with the in-between secondary adding to the fun. When I watched the BWE Web Cam on Sunday and Monday the surf looked like 4 seconds apart if not 3 seconds sometimes. I chose to fish all over Mission Bay today, caught and released bunch of potties. Peddled out the Jetty but it was all wind chopped. All I could do all day was to wish the weather didn't suck, so i could have been at LJ. On Saturday morning around 6:15 am I showed up at LJ and with several friend that had arrived before me, we kept looking at the surf, but the real problem was the seas were already wind chopped and looked like a washing machine and that was before the wind was supposed to pick up around 9. I can't remember when the weather window has been this bad for that many days. Nice fish!
MARK ......... 2016 MALIBU X FACTOR, 2020 SOLO SKIFF (Fishing Kayak on Steroids  )