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Old 06-07-2017, 06:02 AM   #1
Sea Hunter
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20 minute tug a war with a sealion 6 / 5 /17 LJ Report.♧----->~~}

1to 2 at the launch. Water temperature 64.9 wind blowing from the southwest 15 to 20 gusts to 25 past the crown.Made mackerel in the bay with in one hour caught all i wanted. I paddled west to 120 ft of water, for no luck, had one mackerel up and one down. I decided to paddle into 90 ft of water because wind and current was taking me to far out.I Past one guy and watched him hookup flylining a mackerel, He said it was his first yellowtail after I watched him gaff it. Congratulations he was happy. So I kept paddling on, shortly after that my dropper lupe on my marlin pole all roller guides, Newell 454 85 lb powerpro 40lb.floro off set J hook go's off.I should have reeled in the second pole but I didn't.I grabbed my marlin pole and it was game on with a tangled second line. I can't believe how hard this yellowtail is fighting even on a marlin spun be around pretty good you can imagine what that second line looked like.After about 3 or 4 switch backs under my kayak it looked like the gaff was going to be on my left side .I went to gaff and missed the fish, it was still green and took off again, just about that time a sealion grabbed it .Now the reel fight was on....screaming at it at the top of my lungs you bloody bastard....and tightin down my drag along with thumbing my spool...maxing out my set up I don't want to snap my line or pole I'm using my kayak center console for added leverage. The sled ride is on. I lost count how many times the dog came up for air...and back down again.I was in full battle mode to death do we was Back and forth a full on tug a war.....after about 20 minute I was gaining line...finely he let go with only teeth marks in the tail shaft I gaff my fish...He silently stalked me for awhile hiding under my kayak he stole two more mackerel from me one off a trap rig...out of mackerel and out of energy, and a nice southwest wind I set sail for home....with both sails up, my gib sail popping back and forth in the wind, I grab my sail paddle and kickback slightly leaning to one side and steering with my paddle I pass by two boats drifting with only a brief moment to chat..they both caught yellowtail that makes 6 yellowtail that I no of were caught, that day.
with a free ride in feeling mother nature and the wind it, looks like I will not be able to sail into the launch I am heading towards the pier with a sw wind so I drop sail ,fully rested I finish paddleing in and wheel to my car to load up.
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Duke Mitchell

Last edited by MITCHELL; 06-08-2017 at 07:51 AM.
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