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Old 05-13-2017, 05:02 PM   #1
Baitless on Baja
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Join Date: May 2013
Location: Vista California, Gonzaga, San Quintin, Asuncion, Mag Bay
Posts: 4,250
Land between the Lakes KENTUCKY

Walrus, Parrothead Paul, Svendawg, Makobob, Robert, Alan and John took our yearly "brothers" Kentucky.

This year Svendawg was added as an honary brother along with myself. Weather cross country was tough, rain, wind, hail, and SNOW. And when we got there more rain for a few days.

LMB to about 16 inches, lots of shorts, blue gill, a few crappy and CatFish. We had a few shore lunches made from the catfish mostly. A fun group, good food and a final day at Svens place in Arkansaw. 60 beautiful acres, big house, manicured lawn, attatched garage and a BIG BARN which is already full. He rebuilt his work shop so he can remodel parts of the house. Lot's of honey do's the last being a custom libraray for his wife. They both love there tractors and yes they need two to keep the place looking nice. They have lots of pasture and a pond and a couple brooks. Sitting on the deck in the afternoon looking and listening to the brook was awesone as was the meals his wife Helle made. YES be misses Baja and La Jolla but not the hustle of California. Tight Lines.

Home 760-630-4470
Cell 760-520-2514

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