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Old 04-02-2017, 12:27 AM   #16
Sea Hunter
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Every kayak I have owned has filed up with water going through the surf....

Originally Posted by YakDout View Post
The problem I had with my PA once or twice in the surf zone was the drainage wasnt fast enough. Id go out in close period swell and get pounded and never rolled but would come extremely close to it due to my entire deck being swamped with water and not draining fast enough. Doesnt matter how fast you try to get through sometimes mother nature has its way. I must say though, knock on wood still have never rolled it in the surf. Offshore it happened once.
You just have to hold your hover and say straight until water drains like you say its those close swell sets that pound you your not moving very fast full of water
...main thing is stay straight.
Duke Mitchell
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