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Old 03-24-2017, 05:17 PM   #9
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Join Date: Sep 2015
Posts: 346
Originally Posted by Mahigeer View Post
Just a suggestion;

If doing it on line, write the confirmation number on a Stick-it and keep it with the report card until next season.

That way if there is a clerical error on their part, you have proof that you did your part.

I used to keep a copy of my report, and send the original with proof of mailing in the past.
If you're doing it online, you really should just add your email to the profile. When you complete your report, you'll get an email with the confirmation number. Easiest way to hold on to it. Instant confirmation and peace of mind.

If you're mailing itin, we highly suggest using certified mail so you have proof you sent it to cdfw. Harder to remember and hold on to, but it'll do. That aside, if you have an email on file, you'll get a confirmation email when I enter your mailed in/ hand returned report card.

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
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