03-24-2017, 08:42 AM
Sarah L
Join Date: Nov 2016
Location: Laguna Niguel
Posts: 6
Originally Posted by Phishphood
I know everyone's focused on the Fred Hall show, but a reminder that our 2016-207 lobster season ended yesterday Wednesday the 22nd. Online reporting is now available and I highly encourage everyone to use it. Like Mr. Jim has stated in the past, it's the only concrete recreational catch data we have. So PLEASE RETURN YOUR LOBSTER CARD.
I made a super unofficial "Online Reporting for Dummies" pdf if you've never reported online before. It's pretty simple. Let me know if you have any questions. I also really suggest you add your email to your online CDFW account. You'll get a confirmation email when your report card is reported (for any species, abalone, sturgeon, etc).
If you really want to mail it in, the CDFW recommends using certified mail so you have proof you mailed it (keep that stub) Mail loss doesn't normally happen, but it has definitely happened in the past and we can't refund/waive a non-return fee if there's no proof you mailed it. Fish and Game Code says it has to be postmarked by the April 30 deadline. And if you're going to mail it, make my life easy please and fill in all the blanks that are required. If you didn't catch anything, write that "0". It takes me twice as long to enter cards that have blanks in them....
Happy fishing once this swell lays down again... 
Thanks a lot for the reminder on the buggos. Now it's time to hunt some WSB...