Thread: MPA Meetings
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Old 03-22-2017, 06:34 PM   #8
Saba Slayer
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Another viewpoint...

This is from our CCA CAL ED...

Thank you Carl and all the Fishermen who attended the meeting in San Diego. Some of us who couldn't make it last night ran up to the San Pedro meeting today. It was a much smaller crowd (since it was held at 1pm??) Some of the same questions were raised. CCA CAL was represented at both meetings and hopefully we'll have someone at each of the remaining 3 meetings. CCA CAL posted on Facebook that they are trying to compile a list of MPA questions or issues from the fishermen. Please go to the original post and comment your issues or questions even if you couldn't make it to the meetings. CCA CAL tried to Facebook live the meeting today but the bandwidth didn't allow it. They are trying to get the presentations broken down and post individually for those who can't make the meetings. Yes this is a tough process for us to go through, but it takes a lot of work, determination and great network to make a change politically. Burying your head in the sand or throwing up your hands will not get it done. If you don't want to participate in the change then at least support those that are trying.
Jim / Saba Slayer

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