Originally Posted by NICKWORN
I was marking a wolf pack below a bait ball being surfaced, so im assuming this was one of the pack. A seal was trying to intrude so my buddies were launching surface irons at him to keep him off me. Large bait boils afterwards, but nothing was really underneath pushing them up, kind of weird. I did dial in my FF, with the +2% on auto sensitivity, with surface and noise off.  s
I'll be off work in a few months, might be able to sneak out on a weekday if the wife lets me. We are expecting our second son in June.
I reached out to you on the radio, but no reply. We switched over to channel 65 due to the traffic.
And yes it was crazy busy out there Sunday!!
It looks like you have a cover of some sort on the sonar head unit... this that a waterproof housing?