Commercial fisherman SUCK, regardless of Country...they'll take the last fish of an entire species if they had the chance. We've certainly benefitted locally with our State's gillnet ban...probably the ONLY thing
EVER done right by this State...
I wish Mexico would get it...a healthier Gulf of Baja would bring so many more tourist dollars from the pinche Americano's (I think, lol). This money would move around vs straight to the bribing fish cartel's...
A year or so ago, during our entire stay down at MakoRoberto's paradise, we had to endure watching/smelling a smalltime man's seemingly abandoned gill nets (2) right in front of our place...rotting fish and dead birds. Sad, but we were warned to not touch them...

Recreational Fisherman's Catch...2%
Commercial Fisherman's Catch- 98%
Recreational Fishing Kayakers Catch- .00001%
"The reality is that the wall was built to keep all Asians ~specifically Japanese and those that think they're japanese~ out of the U.S"