Originally Posted by chris138
I'm planning to make this one. I'll finalize my mentor reservation tonight.
Semi related question... I've done two events at Tidelands now, and got skunked both times. Anyone have any tips to help me, and more importantly, the guest I might be mentoring?
1. What ideal line type? Like 10# mono? Flouro? Is 20# flouro way too heavy?
2. Live bait? Should I be bringing sibiki and bait tank to make bait for hali?
3. I am under the impression that we shouldn't be taking videos w gopro, in the interest of the privacy of our guests. Is this correct? Obviously I would love to get some footage and put together a HOW video. What is our chapter's policy on this? Is there interest in gathering footage for a video, even if I just hand the files off to someone?
Good news is none of my guests have been skunked, but they have outfished me every time 
I've always done well using gulp shrimp or gulp jerk shad in the new penny color. 8 to 10 lb. line works. I fish them Carolina rigged. Have also seen a lot of people catch them on dropper loop. If the tide is moving, just need to drift. If no movement, have to work the bait. Keep the bait moving just off the bottom. No sabiki needed.