Thread: Buyer be aware
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Old 12-07-2016, 07:04 AM   #1
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Buyer be aware

I just bought a new Colman tent from the Colman factory website. The new tent allows me to stand up inside of it without hunching and getting a back ache.
There was a discount offered which was welcomed.

However, when I got an email about the shipping, it indicated that Colman DOES NOT accept returns, or exchanges. Only warranty on defective items.

I called them and expressed my disappointment. I asked them why there was no mentioning of this policy in the order page.
Even the warranty paragraph does not mention it.

Only after the order has put in, that you are notified. To me that is not an honest way to sell products.

Colman name has always ment quality product to me, but this policy sucks.

If I had bought the same item on Ebay, I could have returned it to the seller, or got refund from Ebay. Although the seller could not have returned it to Colman.

I thought I would share it here.
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