Had a late start, didn't want to wake my wife . Loaded up and started down to SD. Around Encinitas I noticed that the handle on my Trident was about to give way. I put a tie down in the front as my kayak has a long portion extending past the first roof rack bar. I turned around and had to fix it at home. Now even later.
Got to Mission Beach and set out on a very high tide moving out. I went straight out to the big grass flat in front of the bird sanctuary area.
Caught bass up to ~ 12" and kept changing the baits. Here's the winner today.
Z-Man Crawz 4" green pumpkin flake.

It got hit just as it entered the grass or right after it left.
The motor oil grub got hit hard but they were hitting it like it annoyed them.

This is a true motor oil, gets that awesome green color in the sun and really pops in the water. The tails on these are super supple and wave with the slightest movement.
I also paddled over to the bait barge area then over to Aqua Adventures kayaks to drop bats around the docks. No takers but I did see a good sized octopus in the rocks. Put my phone in the water and got this shot. It's to the right of the large Garibaldi.

Hadn't been on the water in a long time, not many fish. Spending 10+ minutes watching an octopus made it a day worth while.
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