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Old 11-09-2016, 02:56 PM   #9
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Join Date: Apr 2013
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When you go to this link, you will see that the Toyota Tacoma is assembled in San Antonio Texas.
Which the last time I checked, it is still in the United States.

If you are old enough to remember Ford had a commercial which said something to the effect that
“Quality is job one and Ford has improved 50%”. 50%?? It had that much room for improvement?

Be sure to listen to any diesel that you buy. Your neighbors may not like it every time you start it.
Toyota parts and service are not cheap, but the factory part is what makes them reliable.

Establishing a relation with an independent auto shop is a good way to get good service at a less than dealer price.

Consumer Report magazine and website is a less bias place to look for ratings. They are done by actual owners of the vehicles.

Good luck anyway you choose.
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