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Old 09-18-2016, 09:22 AM   #30
Saba Slayer
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AI hooping'

Fishing while sitting on the trampolines with your feet on the amas is really comfortable and fun...landing a fish is a blast on the tramps. It's too much trouble for me to swing in one of the amas especially when's enough work just stopping the boat and furling the sail while reaching for the rod.
Warburto...I like using the Rail Blaza starport holders and ama mounts for the AI they work pretty good for additional rod holders.
The trailer works great for the AI and the PA...

I took both up to the Sierras recently and I used the AI with out the alas and amas for most of the paddled and peddled really well turns on a dime with that big old sailing rudder.

Without the tramps and the amas there really isn't a whole lot of room on the deck of the AI. I added the 1 1/2" Ram mounts to the front aka for the Lowrance 7" and the other for a Ram tube rod holder. It's really hard to get those Ram holders to tighten up enough for a good trolling hit but it's the easiest way to mount an extra holder.
The AI isn't for everyone but I've found it to be a fun and versatile fishing kayak!
Jim / Saba Slayer

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