Originally Posted by Saba Slayer
BLA BLA BLA...please get back to me on this once you guys stop buying a California Fishing License and test your theory...until then it's all BS...and it's nothing but talk!!!
And talk is CHEAP...!   
It is not up to the enforcement party to say who is right. If the enforcement is illegal than it is illegal.
The state can find ways to collect, they can issue more citation. They can follow you home and find those extra lobster in the freezer. Trust me they will collect their money.
In the case of Murdock vs Pennsylvania, that case had to go to supreme court in order to fight for their religious freedom because the state was adamant about collecting their fees.
I am trying to find all the legal reason why i would lose in court, but no one has come up with a valid legal reason.
The only reason that has come up is because
I can't.
Well why can't I?
what are the legal reasons why?
If those guaranteed rights, offer equal protection to all:
Why do i have to pay for a recreational fishing license just because you say i have to?
o' because you(DFG,Fish&game,Local law enforcement, the STATE OF CA) threaten me... i see
i don't fish every day or every week. So my encounters with the wardens are few, but when i encounter them. It will begin...