Thread: CDFG
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Old 08-19-2016, 06:27 AM   #11
Saba Slayer
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First off it's CDFW now... are more than welcome to hire a lawyer and spend ALL your money fighting this in court...I guarantee you will spend ALL your money on this and it will not be resolved to your liking.
It's one thing to stand there and spout off about your rights and another to actually be proactive about it and take it to the courts...I've seen you push this constitution idea around for a few years now...and I haven't seen you gain any traction...maybe you should take over a harbor patrol office or a DFW office and encamp would give you a great audience with all the TV and news coverage...!
It's one thing to post on BWE and another to actually do something...I'll tell you this...If I brought this up at the last CCA CAL Government Relations Committee meeting...the boys would have run me out of the room laughing the whole while.
The San Diego and OC chapters could use someone on their GRC committees...maybe you should put your ideas and passion to work somewhere that they can do some good.

Oh Yea...Wiredantz...keeping a copy of the Constitution in your yak and fighting with the DFW LEOs will really cement your relationship with them and I'm sure things will go much smoother with enforcement...GOOD LUCK...maybe not such a good way to try and get out of a ticket or make friends with the LEOs...

Buying a license supports CDFW with the additional funds needed to stay in business...could you imagine the free-for-all on the resource if there was license, no rules, or enforcement...THE LAW OF THE it and weep...!:roll eyes:
The resource would last one or two years and we'd have a desert out there with nothing but Lizard fish...!

OK...morning political rant over...! Time for some coffee...!

JOIN CCA...we are fighting for your fishing rights thru the system and with national support in Washington...this national support by our lobbyist in DC is important with issues like the potential for BFT to become a endangered species and the Monument Act that wants to make the Tanner and Cortez Banks off limits for fishing....state wide we are also working on the Toxic lead ban...the relaxing on Stripper regs to protect the Salmon (when it's really all about the water flows)...Gill nets and deep set bouy gear with the pacific fishery management council...and on and on...It's a 5 page list of the issues that the CCA CAL GRC is working on...!
PLEASE JOIN AND SUPPORT OUR FISHING RIGHTS...please don't wait until the next battle starts and it's too late to organize...! It's important we fight battles we have a chance to win...look what happened to United Anglers...they are in the process of selling their Signal Hill club house and property to PAY THE LAWYERS FEES ON THE MLPA Battles...!
CCA CAL has only a little over 2000 members...that's pretty pitiful when you look at the number of anglers in So.Cal alone...why the apathy........?

One last thing...Hey Sarge...did you buy a fishing license this year...come on now, please answer and be honest...?
Jim / Saba Slayer

Last edited by Saba Slayer; 08-19-2016 at 06:32 AM.
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