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Old 08-08-2016, 02:21 PM   #15
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Join Date: Jun 2016
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Originally Posted by radastaff View Post
I hit Dana yesterday
launched dark-30
4 mi out and back
no tuna, some bait balls, some terns here and there
lots of dolphins in the afternoon

almost died part...

Was early morning still, about 2 mi out.
While still heading straight out I noticed a yacht type fishing boat(rather big) at full throttle on a collision course to me heading southbound. I started paddling faster to get outta the way, he corrected course to keep at me. So I stopped paddling thinking that would do it, but he corrected course again to keep at me. I could see the skipper at the helm, it was a tower type setup. At this point I started to freak out since there was only seconds before he was bearing down on top of me.
So I pointed my yak at him, ready to make a quick maneuver left or right, with only seconds left. Only thing I could think with the few seconds left was to raise my paddle and make myself more visible. Well just before impact(with no reduction in his speed before) the dude hit a hard right, creating a 5 foot wake wave just feet from me, then sped off southbound. He gave me the shrugged shoulders and I gave him the bloody deck salute.
The snotty conditions prob had helped in me staying in my yak, since I was already dealing with a tippy yak and was being extra careful.
I didn't get the boat name nor numbers, it happened just to fast.

I almost died...

After that I cussed him out on chan 72 with no response.
And got out my flare gun which I kept in my life vest the rest of the day.
At the ready.

Damn glad I bought my ACR PLB and had it on my life vest at the time,
also glad I didn't need to use it.

stay frosty out there

Damn crazy story right there and glad your ok. Im new to the sport but hope that never happens to me. If it ever does I know I'd be stalking the boat launch looking our for the A-holes and give them shit, hoping he would throw a punch...I just hate jerks like that.
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