I had an older guy recently stop me as I was hauling my gear back to my truck, and he was asking where I fished. When I pointed out to the ocean behind him, he told me that area was closed to fishing. Then I explained that the other boats out on the water in front of us were sport fishing boats and that the area closed was further to the south. He still wanted to argue and explained that he was a surf fisherman and I should be careful not to get in trouble. Again, I explained politely that the closed area was from Moonlight to Table Tops and he made a face like he didn't even know the beach names.
In my opinion the MLPA gives much needed rest to small areas, but also scares away fools like this who otherwise can't work a map or computer to get the correct information. They end up not fishing at all.
2012 Dune Pro Angler 14, 1994 Yellow Scupper Pro 