Thread: Dream Trip
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Old 07-27-2016, 06:21 AM   #2
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Join Date: Jun 2014
Posts: 421
costa rica is an incredible country and very american friendly. They actually have a lot of retired americans down there. If you can swing the cash, there's a lodge on the west coast called lapa rios that's in a rainforest reserve that my whole family loved. You will have animals walking right through the hotel area and it's low tech and quiet. I believe they can also have a panga pick you up on the beach there and you can go fishing in a relatively remote area. There's also the volcanic hot springs which were cool. At night the volcano usually puts on it's own fireworks show. We didn't do any east coast stuff.
If you're set on tarpon and other flats fish, you may want to look into turneffe flats in belize. You'll be on a big atoll a few miles off the east coast of belize with tarpon, permit and bonefish.
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