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Old 07-17-2016, 08:53 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by pingpangdang View Post
Won best of show boat category at icast

Complete list

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I wouldn't put too much stock in that. Without getting too into it, show winners aren't voted on by people who have actually used the product and almost all of them are seeing it for the first time without explanation(it's not in a booth with reps explaining or answering questions, just the product and a placard with the company and product name). They're not even supposed to touch the products in the showcase. The voters are outdoors writers at the show, many of whom don't have a full slate of experiences. For instance, one may be a fly fishing or offshore expert but has never been in a kayak yet likes the look of it and votes that way. It's like asking an amish person to vote on the best car. I was there when the predator xl won and let's just say I've never seen one on the water and I could say more but don't want to bash.

The point is... TRY BEFORE YOU BUY
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