Hi Andy, this started out as a wet well. When it sprung a leak after a couple of years, I decided to convert it to a putty install.
I took a PVC electrical box from Home Depot and used my Dremel tool to carve out the bottom. I want the transducer to sit right against the hull.
I then Gooped the box to the hull under the seat. The hull is flat here so it is an easy install. I drilled a hole through the box so the screw you see holds the transducer. The screw height should be such that the transducer sits flat against the hull.
Here is the inside view. You can see the putty around the bottom of the transducer. You want a thin layer and no air gaps between the transducer and the hull.
For extra measure, I put a slice of pool noodle on top of it. So when I put the lid on the box, the transducer is doubly secured.
I like having the transducer out of the way. I hadn't opened the box since last year. Today I see the transducer is still very stuck to the hull.
I have my battery in the back hatch. This frees up the front hatch area for storing rods, reels, and big
