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Old 06-04-2016, 06:58 AM   #1
Join Date: Jul 2014
Posts: 28
Fishfinder questions

Upgraded my fishfinder to an Elite 5 Chirp. Still learning how to use it. Had a couple of questions after a trip out friday. One thing i saw, I was not sure if it was a thermocline or a layer of red crabs. It was inshore a bit, (did not see if further out) and it was a fuzzy horizontal layer at 10 to 20 ft. It was in the area with redcrab, so not sure how to interpret that. If it was redcrab, it meant that there were a heck of a lot of them down there!

Also I ran my battery out after about 4 hours. What kind of batterry life are you getting? I still need to do some investigation on the condition of the battery, but I think its should be good. I am wondering if the Elite 5 may be using a good amount of power. I did have the brightness turned all the way up for the last hour or so.
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