Sorry guys if I sounded a little hostile toward the sea lions, and yes I know the difference of which they are and were they are. It just felt good to release a little of the pent up frustration over the Children's Pool legal situation. As I stated before having been a child enjoying the Children's Pool many years ago and then seeing the BS we've had for way too many years now. It really isn't the seals or sea lions fault that we have idiots in our legal and political system. If they stopped keeping humans from using the beach year round then both would adjust. The seals and sea lions are not endangered and do not need any protection. As a matter of fact Sea World helping over 1,000 pups last year is not helping the balance of nature and the availability of food for them.
MARK ......... 2016 MALIBU X FACTOR, 2020 SOLO SKIFF (Fishing Kayak on Steroids  )