Thread: What new reel?
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Old 04-19-2016, 10:17 PM   #1
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Join Date: Sep 2015
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What new reel?

Alright, so I'm looking at getting a new reel for bass/sabiki/general light usage. I've got my current workhorses as: Daiwa saltist 40HA and Daiwa Sealine LD50H which get me through La Jolla just fine so far. Granted I don't cast too much and haven't fished any surface irons but I'll get there eventually.

Right now I'm using an old spinning reel for sabiki and random lures for bait and it works well enough but I'd love to get in to the bait casting realm. It would either be paired with a Shakespeare 6'6" graphite composite medium action (6-17lb) rod or a Fenwick 8'10" E-glass 15-30lb 1-2.5oz rod. I know neither of them are great rods but they're what I've got to work with.

Had some recommendations for a Curado 200I but also looked at some Abu-Garcia's etc. The Curado 200G any good? Sure a Torium would probably fit the bill too but unless there's a great deal to be had I'm probably not in the market for one unless you guys think they really are the bees knees. Looking around $100 or less.

Thanks a lot guys and tight lines...
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