Thread: Rod and reel
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Old 04-14-2016, 08:17 AM   #6
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Penn Fathom Lever Drag is where its at. I can cast them as far as any of my older star drags, partially engage lever for big baits and massive drag power so you can fish whatever you want. I'm a Calstar guy. I'm happy with the factory wraps and I am a big advocate of stainless steel guides with no inserts. My favorite rig is a Fathom 30 on Calstar 8' heavy west coast deckhand. It is heavy which isn't a concern on the kayak(IMO) but if you are working baits at the rail on a boat all day and you're not in shape, you're arms with be beat.

Oh, E-Glass, not graphite. I do not like graphite rods. The E-Glass is what contributes to the extra weight.
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