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Old 03-15-2016, 09:18 AM   #1
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Join Date: Aug 2015
Location: San Diego, CA
Posts: 323
Buddha's Bufeo Birthday Bash - 3/5-3/11

As all adventures must, this one started with challenges. After leaving North County San Diego at 3:45ish for our 5am meet-up with Makobob and Jeff in El Cajon, we discovered that we had left about 5 minutes from Bob's house, and could have just caravaned straight down. We headed across the 8 to Calexico to meet up with Frank. Coming out of the pass, Bob's brand new truck threw an idiot light for exhaust issues. It threatened to limit his speed to 5 mph until fixed, so Frank got on the phone to a buddy in a local dealership repair shop and we headed over.
A diagnosis of expired/out of spec DEF was ascertained and after clearing the light and driving the truck for 30 miles, we were diagnosed as clear. Of course, instead of hitting the border at 6:30, it was now nearing noon. We crossed over through Mexicali and headed down the Mx5 to San Felipe.
Adding to our woes, the birreria stand was already closed, so were forced to reroute for fish tacos instead.

From there, Bob, Jeff, Mike and I headed off to Bufeo while Frank headed out to meet up with a friend. We reached the camp at around 4pm, and Bob's first words were "Don't bother unpacking, for all we know this may be the best night of the week. Get your boats on the water and fish!"
Mike, Jeff and I hit the water in the encroaching dusk (despite the good natured ribbing about fishing from a tandem) and threw irons on light spinning outfits for a mixed bag of spotties, triggers, and corvina. Multiple cabrilla found the scattered rocks of the reef without ever showing their faces. We ended up with 3 corvina to the boat, 2 landed. Mike's 7#er was bleeding from the gills, and sent to the kill sack.

A lovely dinner of steak shishkebobs and roasted chiles in salsa Maggi from Jorge met us at Bob's place and we devoured them with reckless abandon. Everyone turned in early in preparation for a run down to Gonzaga on Sunday morning.
We passed through the Gonzaga military checkpoint and drove out to Alphonsina's to launch into a glassy bay.

We boated a few small cabrilla, another nice 'vina, some tough breakoffs, and Jeff got hammered twice on the big swimbaits. The weather gods were tricksters, and a couple of hours into fishing the South side of Isla Willard, the blow began. It increased steadily, and Frank struggled to drive his yak into the teeth of it. He finally made his way in and we retired to the restaurant for lunch, which of course caused the wind to immediately stop blowing. After lunch, we considered getting back on the water, but the wind began to ripple the bay again, and we headed home for grilled Korean pizza.

We had decided to try and get out on the panga on Monday morning while Frank was still around, but our pangero, Miguel, showed up at Bob's around 8:30 with dire warnings of rising winds, poor fishing, and an all around poor time. On his advice, we begged off the boat ride and put yaks in the water. Mike and I headed well north of Bufeo, picking up the usual mixed bag of fish on small freshwater hard baits, and added Mike's first Sierra to the tally. A growing wind and a rising surge put us back at camp by mid-day as the weather grew less and less pleasant and the clouds rolled in. We headed to the restaurant on the south end of Bufeo where they put Frank's pollo asada to great showing, with sides of grilled onions, refried beans, 3 salsas, and fresh tortillas. We exited the restaurant to whipping winds and sand.
Tuesday brought slightly reduced wind in the morning, but a heavy storm surge. We pushed through to launch, but it became quickly apparent that the wind was building heavily and quickly, and the storm surge increasing. We boated a few mixed fish, and Mike's second sierra, slightly smaller than the day before. We splashed (but not crashed) into shore and stowed gear for the day. I taught Jeff to play cribbage and caught up on some reading, while others relaxed/napped/etc. Winds dropped off as night fell, and we kept our fingers crossed for the following day. I threw together my cheater's chile verde, and we all ate well.
Wednesday morning, per Bob's prognostication, dawned flat and calm. We piled yaks onto vehicles and headed south to the end of the beach at the point. We cruised s from Bufeo and back north again for about 6 hours. I picked up a small yellowtail on a blue/white trolled 6x Jr, and Mike nailed a fat (PB) 20# YT on a blue/clear holo 6" Pearl swimbait on a 1oz head.

Jeff grabbed a PB sierra early, topping the scales at 8#. On the return north I managed my first leopard grouper on an olive/white 6x Jr, and we managed to share a close encounter of the gunwale gripping kind with a baby (17-18') whale shark.

A brief respite, then we were back on the water at camp, where Jeff tallied a nice corvina and a fat sardinero. A crankbait cast into heavy boils was rewarded with a screaming run, a burrowed fish, and another breakoff. We retired to the closest restaurant for pork ribs, garlic butter shrimp, rice, beans, and tortillas.

Thursday put us back at Gonzaga, hoping to catch the corvina rushing the back bay on the incoming tide. We worked out to the mouth from the south side of Willard and managed a few small cabrilla and a nice leopard off the face, as well as some tackle busting never seens. I threw a gren/clear holo 6" Pearl up into the shallow rocks on the North corner of Willard, and after 3 cranks was rewarded with a brilliant flash of orange rising out of the rocks, and a taut line. I managed to get lucky and bring the gorgeous golden to hand, did the "grip 'n' grin", and slid her back into the water.

We tailed into the back bay, but a choppy wind and a high and unblocked sun left us corvina-less. We grabbed ice at the store, headed up the line, and Mike whipped up a pot of hearty "jambalaya." There was a bit of fading light, and we made one last pilgrimage to the shore, before resigning ourselves to the finality of packing up for the next morning's departure. A couple of barracuda attacked our trolled crankbaits, but the water was as still underneath as it was above. We headed in to shore and began the process of saying goodbye to our home away from home.
We were out of camp before 7 on Friday morning, and headed up the line. We stopped in San Felipe for a birrria and tacos (breakfast of champions) and then headed up the line to Mexicali, a reasonable border wait, and then we were back in the US, and heading home.

Full set of images available here

Last edited by FoodGeekFish; 03-15-2016 at 09:24 AM.
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