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Old 03-04-2016, 07:12 AM   #17
Saba Slayer
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CCA CAL Newsletter

Here is a copy of our latest newletter...As you can see...we aren't sitting on our hands...!

State Board of Directors

The Coastal Conservation Association of California (CCA CAL) State Board of Directors met on November 18, 2015. The new Los Angeles and San Diego Chapter Presidents, John Ballotti and Steve Pazol were welcomed to the State Board. Additionally, congratulations to Bill Boyce – Boyce Image, TV show Destination Baja Sur and Dollar Fishing Club, Donna Kalez – General Manager of Dana Wharf Sportfishing and Whale Watching, Doug Lasko – President - Okuma Fishing Tackle, and Steve Pinard – Owner – Dana Landing were added to the State Board of Directors. Many issues were discussed including recreational fishing advocacy issues, artificial reef opportunities, Hubbs Sea World Research Institute hatchery program, upcoming event support, youth events and fundraising.

Executive Director Update

Wow 2015 went by so quickly. So much got accomplished in such a short time. We are working on all of our main objectives simultaneously as you will read below. Thanks all who have been so supportive of us. We sometimes take for granted that we have radio shows like Let’s Talk Hookup and Rod and Reel Radio as well as great periodicals like Western Outdoor News, Pacific Coast Sportfishing Magazine and The Log/FishRap here to get the word out to all of you. We could not have gotten this far without our awesome sponsors but especially our Founding Sponsors, AFTCO, SHIMANO, YAMAHA, and OKUMA. We are gearing up for a great spring show season in southern California and are continuing to expand local chapters and membership.

Chapters and Membership

We are starting more local chapters and expanding memberships. CCA CAL has been attending and speaking at as many club meetings as we can to increase exposure and awareness of CCA CAL. We will continue to drive memberships through events, social media, emails, our new website, radio, print media and fundraisers.
See the full article here including updates from the LA and SD Chapters


CCA CAL has been busy supporting our coastal recreational fishing rights. We have attended the Pacific Fishery Management Council, DFG Commission, and CDFW Groundfish meetings. We responded to fishing gear and weights being added to the California Department of Toxic Substance Control's list of Priority Products. Also, recently there were many important people leaving the DFG commission. CCA CAL is supporting Captain Don Hansen, from Dana Wharf Sportfishing, and Dan Yparragguirre for the open commissioner seats.
Read full update here

Artificial Reefs

CCA CAL continues to work on projects with California Ships to Reefs (CSTR) to try and increase artificial reefs off the California coastline. Our CCA CAL Artificial Reef Committee continues to look for other opportunities too.
See full story here

Hatchery Update

CCA CAL has goals to support and expand the hatchery program started and maintained by Hubss Sea World Research Institute (HSWRI). CCA CAL has taken over the liability insurance for the numerous grow out facilities to help alleviate some of financial burden. We are planning to work with the grow out facilities to make sure they have all of the support need to be successful and thrive. We cannot thank the numerous individuals enough for their dedication to such a labor intensive project and it would never have survived without them.

CCA CAL is working with HSWRI on the rejuvenating the white seabass head return program. We will be adding this program to our event booths to start to bring awareness back to this very important program. CCA CAL will be aiding HSWRI staff in making sure the word gets out to the sportboat captains and recreational fishermen about the importance of turning in the white seabass heads.

We are working with HSWRI to try and expand on the white seabass hatchery program. We started performing a survey of coastal recreational anglers to find what you would like the next species produced from the hatchery program. CCA CAL will be collecting survey data through the end of the Fred Hall Shows in Del Mar on March 20th. Come to our booth at any of our upcoming events to vote for the species you want to see come next.

Help Wanted

We survive by having large numbers of active volunteers. We have a lot of events coming up and can use more volunteers.

Volunteers needed to help prep the next San Diego Boat at Pier 32 for sinking - contact Steve Pazol
CCA CAL booth at the Pacific Coast Sportfishing Magazine Festival Feb 19th thru 21st - contact Wayne Kotow
CCA CAL Membership Tent volunteers at the Fred Hall Shows in Long Beach March 1st -6th - contact John Ballotti
CCA CAL Membership Tent volunteers at the Fred Hall Shows in Del Mar March 16th-20th - contact Steve Pazol

Events Calendar

Department of Fish and Game Commission Meeting – Sacramento, February 10 &11
Sinking of the Nancy Lee with Ships to Reefs – San Diego, TBD
Pacific Coast Sportfishing Festival – Orange County Fairgrounds, February 19-21
Fred Hall Shows – Long Beach, March 2-6, Del Mar, March 17-20
CCA CAL State Board of Directors Meeting – Fred Hall Show, March 3rd
Pacific Fishery Management Council Meetings – Sacramento, March 9-14
Day at the Docks – San Diego, April 17th
CCA CAL Los Angeles Chapter BBQ – Compton Hunting and Fishing Club, May 21st
Jim / Saba Slayer

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