A little back story for those that just arrived or have been in a fog...
Meetings started back in 2014 with many of the top folks in the fishing biz in So.Cal. getting together...Bart Hall, Bob Fletcher, Ali Hussainy,Bill Shedd, Mike Lumm, Dave Elm, David Bacon, PAUL LEBOWITZ, Pat Murray (Pres. CCA National),Harold Davis, Dave Pfeiffer, Don Hanson, Jim Salazar, Bill Buchanan, and Pete Gray....after reviewing the finances and actions of the CCA since 1983 and having a few more meetings, we decide that this was an organization that had a good solid background and would be good for California. Just for the record...the death blow for United Anglers was the MLPA process. The UA spent every cent they had and finally ended up selling the club house and property on Signal Hill to pay off the lawyers...this will not happen with CCA...we have a lawyer in DC and a lobyist there too. We also have the checks and ballances of the National organization.
As a group we decided something needed to be done...we can't fight the onslaught of Enviros shutting down our fisheries alone...so we decided to join forces with the CCA National and formed the CCA CAL. IMHO it is a good move and hopefully will have the legs to last for many years in California as it has in other states.
"Quite honestly, I felt they were impotent in fighting for our rights in most cases. I am trying not to be cynical and I don't know what the answer is but a frilly mission statement does nothing for me. What did they do for us last year? Specifically, what are they doing for us today?
Every organization needs a Mission Statement...Should we have not made one???
I have a question for you...what did YOU do to defend your fishing rights last year...what are YOU doing this year?
The membership dues is great...but we need involvement...not apathy and the question WHAT ARE YOU DOING FOR ME! This is a grassroots based organization it's funded by the local chapters funraising and the projects are chosen by the local chapters and the California State Board of Directors.
So the Bottom line is a quote from John Kennedy..."ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country"
Sit on your hands and you'll get a sore Butt...join in the effort and we'll get something done...!