Thread: Ghostbuster!
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Old 02-25-2016, 08:37 PM   #37
Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2015
Posts: 346
Whizz Bang
Harry Hill

To these guys, going to try to post more individualized responses to your posts in a second as I write them. Three things to keep in mind please.
a) What I write is a reflection of me, myself and my knowledge, not any job/agency etc.
b) I truly appreciate your honest comments and criticism. I am learning as I go and will never stop learning. Despite latent anger and frustration at past actions of myself or others, I would greatly appreciate continuing on in a productive conversation.
c) I wrote down the events as I could remember in as much entirety as I could remember. They are not all of my proudest moments, but I feel that any information (including things done wrong) can benefit the community, especially newer anglers so they can learn not just from what I did, but what should have been done instead etc. I welcome any and all statements as long as we can try to keep it in line with (b) above.
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