Thread: Ghostbuster!
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Old 02-25-2016, 08:11 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by Phishphood View Post
Stopped caring about the fish and went to work securing my rods and paddle, then look up to see the fish still belly up and I figured I should go revive it (it's been unhooked and free for almost 5 minutes).

After 5-10 minutes of this BS, I decide it's more than likely a WSB and not BSB, so I gaff it, pull it on to my lap, almost capsize at the weight and then readjust it so it's lengthwise on the yak. I'm still not convinced at this point, so I video call my buddy for confirmation.

He gives me the greenlight, swears at me since he didn't go out with me today, then I'm off to the beach. It's an easy landing with a slightly larger (3-4'?) swell at long period. Off the water by 0915. Weighed it with a handheld scale, measured it with my 'official' work boards, and took a sample of the gonads for work (CDFW).

First and foremost let me begin by congratulating you on a fine specimen. However, there are questions that I'm sure others would like to ask but don't because they don't want to kill your stoke.

So, let's begin at the beginning.

Your thread says

Stopped caring about the fish and went to work securing my rods and paddle,

I will call you out on this comment for one reason and that reason is that you work for the CDFW. Your first and only priority at that time should have been the fish and not your rod or paddle or whatever you were dealing with.

Second thing I'd like to bring up is the following comment, you said

After 5-10 minutes of this BS, I decide it's more than likely a WSB and not BSB, so I gaff it

Really? You weren't sure so you decided the best thing to do was gaff it?

It sounds like the whole thing took place over the course of 10-15minutes.........that's way to long of a time to decide whether or not you had a trophy fish or a fish that is completely off limits.

By the time you're done reading this you'll probably be like, 'who the f*ck is this clown' and it would probably be to late for me to say not to take it personal but I hope this event and my comments served a purpose, not just to you but to everyone else that cannot tell the difference between a wsb and a bsb.

If it makes you feel any better I had a similar experience many years ago but when the fish came up belly up I knew Gaffing it was the last thing I wanted to do. The moment that fish came up I dropped everything and my priority was the fish.........yes, it was a bsb.

Again, nice trophy fish.

Last edited by jorluivil; 02-25-2016 at 08:47 PM.
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