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Join Date: Sep 2015
Posts: 346
EDIT:READ ME I made some grave errors during this landing. This was pointed out by others and I fully acknowledge this fact. The below report was written the day of the catch with as much information as came to mind while still on a bit of an adrenaline high. There is no lightly forgiving these types of mistakes as they were fundamental in nature, but it would be best if anyone, especially newer anglers can benefit from this. I've bolded some of the bigger errors with edits also appearing in italicised () after them. Please take the time to read comments and replies on pages 2 and 3 of this thread. I don't mean to come out of this looking magnanimous or oblivious, instead humble and hopeful that it will be helpful. I am truly grateful to those that called me on these things, you're doing what's best for the fishery and our public image as kayak anglers. We should all thank you. If I seem like a troll, then I'm sorry but that was not my intention of either the first post nor the subsequent comments. If you want to meet me in person i'm fine with that so you can get a better idea of who I am and what I'm about. If you simply want to yell at me and it will truly make you feel better, then I can deal with some of that as long as that's the end of it. I would love for all things to be aired out in the open on the thread, but if you feel the need to PM me that's fine. I am always learning in this sport and hope others are too. In the end, tight lines and sharp hooks to all.
Short version: Nailed a ghost! 56.8lbs, 52.4"long, female
65lb powerpro, 40lb fluoro, reverse dropper loop, 30" leader, live bait hook w/ ring
EDIT:Anyone reading this, especially newer anglers, please read comments/replies on end of pages 2 and 3 for much needed information! I made some major errors landing the fish and hope it might benefit others.
Long version:
Launched out of La Jolla about 6:15 to 1-2' waves. No timing really necessary but I always watch for a few minutes anyways. Paddled out to the kelp and attempted to make bait. Actually had some issues with this today. Made 3 greenbacks over the course of an hour or so, moving around a little here and there. Birds were diving all around and occasionally you'd see bait breaking the surface but I just couldn't make it happen. Macs were on the smaller side, around 6-8" instead of the 10"+ I've seen the last few times out.
Started making my way out west slow trolling a mac on reverse dropper loop, stopping every now and then to try to make some more bait. Got about to where I hooked up with a BSB last time out in about 80' of water, 2 cranks off the bottom (measured by pulls, I don't have any electronics) and managed 2 more macs and a sardine. I had just pinned the sardine on a live bait hook with sliding sinker on my bait rig when the big rod started going crazy. Right after, the reel started singing the good song.
It fought like a small BSB, but with shorter runs and a few more twists and turns, but the same dives etc. Got a pretty fun sleigh ride out of it though. Took about 20 minutes before I see color and low and behold up comes a big long white belly that at first glance looks like a BSB, belly up. So here I am thinking how the heck would I have the luck of hooking two BSB on two back to back outings.
But hey, at least it's something, right? So I absentmindedly get to work trying to unhook the beast. (edit:never be absentminded when working with live fish, for both your sake and theirs. First try was using the gaff as an un-hooker, but that doesn't work (didn't last time either). Got the nerve up to try to unhook w/ pliers, but got spooked when the fish twitched and I dropped my pliers (leash cut by braid fighitng the BSB last time), so I go back to trying to use the gaff to unhook it.
Yes, you read that right, I'm trying to unhook the fish. At this point, it's still belly up.
Gave up and decided to just use the edge of the gaff point to cut the line right next to the hook. It works....
Stopped caring about the fish and went to work securing my rods and paddle (Don't ever stop caring about a fish, especially if you intend to release it. Regardless of intended destination, it's a living organism that you took control of, deal with it in a responsible manner. Safety issues may take precedence, but don't mistake comfort with safety), then look up to see the fish still belly up and I figured I should go revive it (it's been unhooked and free for almost 5 minutes). I paddled up to the side of it, grab it by the base of the tail (at this point I'm realizing my brain has been trying to tell me something is wrong) and start moving the fish as if to revive it. In doing so, I roll the fish on to it's side, then right side up and realize I don't think it's a BSB. But it doesn't look like all the photos I've seen of WSB (or so I think) (Know defining characteristics of all fish you plan/hope to catch BEFORE you go out. Not just side-by-side comparisons but individual identifiers. If in doubt, release it immediately. Do or die, there is no try, just get it done). So I decide to confirm it, by pulling out my phone and one-handedly looking up identifying characteristics all while tail-grabbing the fish still in the water. After 5-10 minutes of this BS, I decide it's more than likely a WSB and not BSB(Poorly worded), so I gaff it, pull it on to my lap, almost capsize at the weight and then readjust it so it's lengthwise on the yak. I'm still not convinced at this point, so I video call my buddy for confirmation.
He gives me the greenlight, swears at me since he didn't go out with me today, then I'm off to the beach. It's an easy landing with a slightly larger (3-4'?) swell at long period. Off the water by 0915. Weighed it with a handheld scale, measured it with my 'official' work boards, and took a sample of the gonads for work (CDFW). The big girl had an empty stomach and 1kg of eggs in her cavity. Like a fool, I butchered her to be all boneless, wasting a lot of meat. I had never looked in to how to cut a WSB and the size of bones was a little intimidating. Thank goodness for having in-laws with a house, as I don't know how I would a) get the thing up my apt stairs and b) butcher it; I don't have 4' of counter space at all.
Next goals are a nice YT and a nice butt.
EDIT:Anyone reading this, especially newer anglers, please read comments/replies on end of page 2 and 3 for much needed information!.
Last edited by Phishphood; 02-25-2016 at 10:27 PM.
Reason: addendum at top/bottom; flagging important errors in actions, added intro blurb