Hello there, I am new to Kayaking, 23 years young, but not Ocean fishing! I just purchased my first Yak, a Red Malibu Stealth 14 and am super excited with the purchase!!!!! Needless to say, of course these things needs accessorizing, as this is what I will be doing for the coming month or 2, before it is completely furnished for the seas

I have a few items in mind for purchase, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated..
I am going to get the X-Wing Console with the switches for easy access of course, but with it, a decent fish finder, Bilge pump, aeration kit for the live well, led lights for the Bow/stern and of course the stern light, 12 v 9ah Batteries (is this enough power? WILL PURCHASE 2) and an anchor trolley kit with 5lb grappling anchor.... Of course keep in mind I am not totally defunct and can install some of these/put together the pieces; but if more intricate installation is needed, I of course will take it in. That comes to my next point, which shops? I hear OEX out in Sunset Beach is really good for these installation needs, as well I heard the Malibu Warehouse in Paramount performs these same installations, or I have a "Nomad Ventures" location near me as well (not sure if they are reputable) what do you guys suggest? I am of course looking for the most price effective way to get these installations done (not cheap, with Automotive experience, I just know that repair shops usually $$$Price Gouge$$$ the unknowing unfortunately!!)
With things I am teetering on, Honestly I am not to big on the trolling motor idea, as I feel I am not to worried about paddling out 5-10 miles at a time will be an issue (Do trolling motors even help get you from point A to point B? Or are they literally just for Trolling once the desired location is found?) If the latter is the case, then maybe I would actually prefer a trolling motor for the kelp paddy's and what not? (DOES INSTALLING A TROLLING MOTOR THEN REQUIRE YOUR YAK TO BE REGISTERED?)
And then along with the trolling motor, I was still questionable as to Outriggers as I will use this primarily for ocean fishing, I know the Stealth 14 offers Maximum Stability vs other Yak's but I am 6'1 240 Lbs, I am honestly leaning towards removable outriggers for desired situations...
As well, I will of course take my Yak out to the local lake a couple times to get accustomed to it, before I fully launch on the ocean, as to that; Any recommendations for my first Launch site? I Deep Sea Fish out of Point Loma and Dana Wharf seasonally, are these ideal locations to launch? (I would like to launch in a location with an accessible bait barge) but of course can do with fishing my own bait to simply get to that prime location
Please, any and all recommendations/comments are greatly appreciated! See you out on the seas!!