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Old 02-10-2016, 08:56 AM   #15
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One a serious note:

Just buy yourself a fish finder, we all have them for a reason. If you can't afford or fit an HDS7 on your deck get something smaller like the Elite 4. I started off with an Eagle Cuda 150 and now have the HDS 7 touch, its my 4th unit in 7 years. 99.99% of the kayakers and boaters have them for a reason and the 'cool factor' is not the reason. Will dropping a mason's line with a heavy weight and a knot tied every 5' help you determine what depth you're in? Of course it will will but do you really want to do that?

If this thread was about whether or not you should buy a car with gauges that are not working everyone would tell you not to do it, right? How are you going to know if you're low on gas or if you're doing 35mph in a 25mph zone or if you're oil level is low?

Guys on this site are always upgrading, save up some dough and when the right unit comes along buy it. I'm sure you'll survive for now but I would strongly suggest you get one. Take the advise that Chuckie gave you, high in the summer and low in the winter.
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