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Old 02-09-2016, 04:49 PM   #9
Mr. NiceGuy
Manic for Life
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If you don't have a fish finder, fish without one. A FF is just another tool. It's not what makes you a fisherman. There is tons of information and ideas on Internet to help you catch fish.

When the sun comes up, there are already many boats out there in a cluster. that's a good place to start. If you leave while it's still dark, just head for the lights. In this beautiful weather, it's as clear as a bell.

Lately, bait is very plentiful. Drag a sabiki behind you at sunrise and you'll get hammered with mackerels. I finally cut off my old broken sabiki today because it was down to two dull hooks. My next drop with a fresh sabiki brought up 6 mackerels. If you see lots of birds on the water, try there.

You can get nautical charts and fishing maps from a tackle shop or by surfing around online. Plot your course or target zones from there. Dana Landing has laminated maps that are outstanding. Learn dead reckoning. It's a very useful skill to have. I used to do it in my airplane all the time for fun, as a challenge, and to improve my situational awareness. When you drive a car, it's better to look out the window than to stare at the instruments all the time, right?

Navionics has a free chart-plotting app for your smartphone. Figure out your target zones at home, then set up way points on a Navionics route planner. You can get a waterproof phone bag for about $8. Marine West has them. The Hobie Center has them. Probably OEX too, but I haven't looked there.

Before I had a fish finder, when I wanted to know the depth I dropped a mason's line with a heavy weight and a knot tied every 5'. It worked just fine. That helped confirm my position relative to my charts. If you want to be more cool, tie the knots in fathoms and drink absinthe mixed with champagne (it's called "Death In The Afternoon").

You can avoid the kelp and know your distance from the kelp by following depth contours.

I caught this yellowtail yesterday. He was exactly where I was fishing without a fish finder.

Today I got raked by a halibut but he didn't stick, damit. He ate everything south of my trap hook and sent the rest back as a mackerel zombie. Halibut don't show up on a FF anyway.
Another ho-hum day in Paradise

Last edited by Mr. NiceGuy; 02-09-2016 at 05:32 PM.
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