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Old 02-08-2016, 05:13 PM   #1
Darrell's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2016
Location: Bonita
Posts: 29
Jumbo seabass part 2

I happened to be at the launch the morning Brian came in with his monster 74lber and recently I was in the right place at the right time and got mine.The bites have been few and far between lately but the quality has been worth the wait whether it Yellows or Seabass. I got this one on a live mackerel, 40lb mono to a 40lb flouro leader and a 3/0 circle hook. I thought it was going to be a black until I saw silver at deep color and couldn't believe the size. It took about 10 minutes to land but worked me over since I got it on my 10 foot jig stick. Another kayaker on the beach had a hand held digital scale and it registered 66.5lbs and was 5ft 2 inches long. Looking back I wish I would have weighed it on a certified scale but since it wouldn't fit in my kill bag I wanted to get home to get it cooled down and filleted. After being a boater for 25 yrs im new to kayaking and i'm impressed what a great community it is. Everyone ive met either on the water or offering assistance at the launch has been great. I'll give it another go Wednesday morning but don't plan on being able to top this one againName:  beachy.jpg
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