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Old 01-14-2016, 04:03 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by TCS View Post
Hey Steve, great review.
I've got an older adventure and just upgraded from HDS 5 to HDS 7. (West Marine Plus Plan, highly recommended) I've always left the HDS 5 mounted for launch and landing. Wonder if you could update your post on how you finally mounted yours and how you routed the cables into the hatch, what you do with it when launching and landing. I'd like to leave the wires connected to avoid corrosion.
Thanks, Tom
Probably should have updated this a while back. Thanks for the bump Tom.

I ended up using the 1.5" mast Ram mast mount, and the universal electronic Ram mount. I did buy the Hobie through hull plugs to route the cables in the front deck, but I haven't installed then, and I probably won't. I have just been running the cables through the front hatch, one connected to the battery, one to the 'ducer. If the surf is thumping, I just take off the ram mount mount and stow the entire unit up in the front hatch, leaving the cables attached.

Here are a few (shameless) pictures.

Ram Mount

Back of the unit

Stowed for landing

Top down

Mandatory bendo shots...

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