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Old 12-07-2015, 03:49 PM   #1
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I was given a full refund by West Marine for a HDS-5 Gen 2 that I purchased back in February 2013, the unit had a bad transducer cable. Weird thing about this is that rather than just giving me a new transducer they gave me a full refund of $736 which was the original purchase price.

Anyway, I use the $736 to purchase a new HDS-7 Touch Gen 2 for $649 and a new 50/200 tranducer for $89, I ended up paying $3.58 for both items.

This weekend I see that the HDS-7 Gen 2 price dropped to $599 so yesterday I head over to West Marine to get a price match, I get back $54

Today I see that the price on the HDS-7 dropped again, this times it at $468. I call West Marine and they issue a credit to my bank account for $143.

Basically, I got refunded just shy of $200 in two days.

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