Ross...MAN's house on the beach
Rossman is a very, very gracious host and a very good cook!
ROSSMAN kicked my ass in fishing for the yellow kind.
rossman might be holding his best spots to himself...
The Punta Asuncion area is an unbelievable fishery. As many 2-6# calico's as I wanted on that first day...mucho. Monster Sheeps biting the Megabait (not 20 pounders though

). Nearby shark tooth fossil abandoned puppies. Ross' porch view sunsets that were on fire...
Parts of this story may be fictitious. But if someone were interested in a 3 mos. old puppy with an incredible temperament and spirit, let me know.
Recreational Fisherman's Catch...2%
Commercial Fisherman's Catch- 98%
Recreational Fishing Kayakers Catch- .00001%
"The reality is that the wall was built to keep all Asians ~specifically Japanese and those that think they're japanese~ out of the U.S"