Got it but that sure seems like a lot of searching. Ha! Fortunately I was with Mitchell when he caught his 60 pounder last full moon so I kinda know where to start. I think the biggest hurdle for most folks is the idea of fishing at nite. Maybe a late afternoon launch to fish in dusk conditions could build confidence. It does get pretty darn dark out there when the sun goes down. Not worth taking a chance if a person is not absolutely comfortable with the environment. Definitely a buddy system type environment. Going solo is an absolute no no IMO. Wind and surf conditions should be Real good to make the trip. Fish finder is kinda a must to determine where kelp is so you can avoid losing your dropper rig. Anyone looking for more info(very limited in nature), feel free to pm me. I plan on targeting wsb when my fish finder arrives next week. Poor fish do not stand a chance when I get all set up. OK, maybe that may be a bit over confident but it is always nice to dream. Now I just have to get over how cold it is going to be and purchase a top to keep me nice and toastie. Have a nice Thanksgiving boys and enjoy your family and friends.
Blessings to all.