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Old 11-13-2015, 01:49 PM   #1
Amish Ed
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Mission Bay, 11-13-15

Landwhale and I launched about 6am from Ski Beach Park and headed to Sail Bay to get out of the cold offshore wind. Not sure on the water temp as I got a new yak and the ducer is in the hull for now. It was really clear though.

Started at the bouy line and work our way up the east side and then back. Started off with a slow but steady pick, that slowed eventually to almost nothing happening with a final drift under the bridge for a couple more.

Most of my fish were caught within 200' of shore. Unfortunately the ski boats decided that was also a good distance to hold to also. Made for some very annoying conditions. Hot baits were the 3" Flurry in Minnow Magic and 4" Paddlerz in Bad Shad. Both were fished on a 3/8oz Warbait head. 5" Paddlerz in Sexy Mullet also got a couple. Hot Sauce was used sparingly as I forgot to refill my container. Finished off the day with 14 spotties, only one was legal though.

It was particularly good to fish with Steve today knowing that we'll probably only get 1 more trip before he starts chemo and radiation. Which brings me to my plug for him. Please go to the General kayak fishing subforum and find the link to his Gofundme page and donate. In the same thread is a link to the tournament being held on Dec 5th to also benefit Steve. I'll probably pre fish it the day before if anyone wants to join me.

Finally, as I mentioned previously I bought a new yak this week (Thanks Andy). The old one sprang a major leak which i was never able to locate. I ended up getting a new Trident 13. I'm very happy with the choice and while a bit less stable than my old Manta 14, I adjusted to it really quickly. It's fast, tracks well and unlike my old yak it drifts perpendicular to the wind. The Manta drifted bow first. Nice when you have wind against current, but it sucks any other time. I mounted the ducer with plumbers putty as a temporary mount. It works, but nothing like having it mounted in the water. Missing my Mad Frog Gear tda and hopefully will be able to rig up another.
Amish Ed
You can't catch it again if it's dead!
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