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Old 11-09-2015, 11:43 AM   #1
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Dana Point 11-08

Took a neighbor and his son out to DP yesterday in my small boat. It was a pretty nice day out there, small swells with little wind. The water was crystal clear with visibility to at least 30 feet, temp hovered in the 65 degree mark, a big difference from the last trip out there. Bait was fair sized sardines.

Did the rounds. Not much biting we but managed three calico's, two were caught trolling Lucky Crafts and one on bait. One huge sand bass, I'd say 5-6 pounds, also on bait. We hooked up on a couple of leopards but they broke the line at the boat.

Not a bad day for the boy's first trip on the ocean, he caught the sand bass.
So long and thanks for all the fish...
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