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Old 10-28-2015, 02:39 AM   #1
Sea Hunter
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I think I had my first GWS incounter of LJ

I was fishing out off la jolla in 150 feet or so of water and the sealions were working me over and going under my kayak and all of the sudden this gray object catches the corner of my eye breaking the surface 10ft from my kayak I say WTF ....was that.... did not see head or tail just a grey boil it was moving fast the thought that came to mind was it was headed for me and veered off at the last second than awhile later I thought it was just a sealion and kept fishing but no.... sealions are brown this was grey and the size of a porpoise but I no it was not a porpoise by the way it moved and never surfaced again as I sit here and type this with that vision in my head I'm thinking a juvenile great white shark chasing a sealion
Anybody out there have a similar incounter and I no it was not a hammerhead
Duke Mitchell

Last edited by MITCHELL; 10-28-2015 at 09:33 AM.
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