Hi guys,
Out on Wednesday, we saw lots of views on the Fish Finder like those below. We dropped irons on these spots multiple times, but only for some rockfish. I know there were lots of small bonito in the area, also some very small yellowtail. I can "guess" at what I am seeing, but if any of you have a good idea of what this shows, please advise.
And yes, I know, someone will say, "fish!", but any idea of what this could be and how to approach if something decent? Irons, dropper loop, mac on a weight, etc....? As I am going out again tomorrow. Probably targeting rockfish, lings, and any possibility of YT.
These could just be showing bait, but on a ball of macs, I don't usually see the fish images.
and here's the 2nd image:

ps.... also a note, almost every rockfish we caught was stuffed with red crabs. A lingcod had a full belly of crabs.