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Old 09-22-2015, 06:50 AM   #4
Here fishy fishy fishy...
addicted2sp33d's Avatar
Join Date: May 2011
Location: San Diego, CA
Posts: 774
There are a lot of swimming critters in Mission Bay, but I've found they're a little more skittish/cautious than their open-ocean pals. I think it's the constant motor noise/activity in a relatively shallow environment.

There are spotted bass everywhere, halibut around the grass perimeters, bat rays, and an occasional nurse shark. My friend and I even caught some juvenile (about 2') Barracuda under the Northern Ingraham Street bridge. It was the weirdest thing to find a pelagic species hiding under a bridge like a bass. We were throwing plastics and rattle traps.

If you want open ocean, it's about a 30-45 minute peddle out depending on how fast you-are and how much high-speed traffic you need to dodge while passing through the "unlimited speed" zone.

Once you get outside, there are kelp beds to the north and to the south. I would recommend going south.

Good Luck!
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