09-09-2015, 06:27 AM
Just a Salty Sailor
Join Date: Jun 2015
Location: San Diego
Posts: 193
Originally Posted by Cbad Mike
Don't smack it or you will be the one statistic under the "provoked attack" column.
Just keep paddling. They are curious and hungry nuisances just like the seals except they have fins.
Either they will get bored and leave or they will hang around long enough for you to get bored of them.
Take a deep breath and enjoy the encounter.
Relax and get some cool video but DONT promote it or go to the news.
If you do somehow find yourself getting eaten try to get swallowed whole and head first then just swim out his butthole.
In either case you'll be fine....
I promise.
Mike, best advice ever!!
So there I was.. 