08-26-2015, 08:27 AM
Just a Salty Sailor
Join Date: Jun 2015
Location: San Diego
Posts: 193
Originally Posted by chris138
Elite 4x HDI... Manual mode, auto depth. The settings depend on the depth and clarity of the water. you have to increase sensitivity the deeper you are. In deep water you essentially set the highest sensitivity you can without "washing out" the return. Colorline you mess with once you know you have a clear return of some object that you know for sure what it is ie the bottom, bullkelp, finbait, sea lion etc. You could use the "surface clarity" function which cancels out the noise from the surface. I don't bother with it, as I'm not even looking in the top 30ish' of water when i'm out that deep. In these shots, i have 200khz gain turned down a bit to avoid all the noise associated with zooplankton blooms, red crab, micro finbait etc which only show up on 200khz
Hope that helps. the key for these cheap crappy FFs is using dual frequency display. If the marks only show up on 200khz and not 83, its likely not a game fish. once you get deeper, manually set the range to 250 or 300' to get good resolution in the target depth. If you have 500+' of water on the screen, a big fish will barely be 1 pixel thick.
Hell yeah it does..thank you very much. I just noticed your markings are legit and I have fiddled with mine and never got it there. Thanks again!
So there I was.. 