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Old 08-24-2015, 08:22 AM   #6
Mr. NiceGuy
Manic for Life
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Hammerhead circling (attacking?) kayak fishermen:

A list of 10 most dangerous sharks puts the hammerhead at #10:

Another article places hammerheads as #10 on the list of most deadly sharks:

Swimming with the fishes: Hammerhead sightings in San Diego:


So, when a 12' hammerhead is alongside our kayak, what is the best response or deterrence?


Chumming out the scuppers and Mirage drive pedal hole, .... yikes!

Makes me think twice about throwing water on a wet gunny sack to cool down fish on the bow.

Maybe this draws seals as well?

With the refined sense of smell hammerheads are famous for having, maybe they will smell fish anyway, no matter what we do?

"Blood in the water" is a common expression for a reason.

Originally Posted by FISH11 View Post
Good thing you are OK. Yeah don't leave fish or bait loose on deck. All that scent is going out the scuppers and it's like chumming. When any sea life starts getting too close and might cause you to roll, hit it with whatever is handy. A paddle is a good tool because it has a long handle and that way you can keep your distance. Thanks for sharing.
Another ho-hum day in Paradise

Last edited by Mr. NiceGuy; 08-24-2015 at 08:40 AM.
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