Using old Flourocarbon?
I was cleaning out my garage and came across a few spools of the old seaguar floro in 20,25, and 30lb test. It's the old all blue packaging and I would guess it's between 10-15 years old. It was stored in a drawer in my tool box all this time.
I did a couple pull tests on it and it seems fine. I also tied a couple knots and it seems to be functioning normally.
Has anyone used old floro before with good success? I'm wondering if it is worth using? I already bought a new 30lb spool and will be using that for now. I'm just wondering if it's even worth using this old stuff? They are basically full spools so I'd hate to throw them away. But if it means a chance at loosing a nice fish then it's not worth it
Has anyone tried using old floro?
would you give it a try or just toss it?